The Fortnight Ahead (click to enlarge)
** Exact days and time for Yr 4 and 6 to work with Hamish Curry are yet to be confirmed.
Parent Teacher Interviews
The data from the SOBS website says that almost 300 parent teacher interviews were conducted last week! WOW…WHAT A MASSIVE EFFORT! I know this is not quite accurate as there were a number of parents that saw teachers personally and booked in for interviews for alternate days/times etc. Still, a huge effort by all 🙂
On behalf of the Leadership Team, I would like to thank all staff members for their enormous efforts in preparing for these interviews. I appreciate the time you’ve taken (both in your NCT and of an evening at home) to ensure you were fully ready for these sessions with parents. I know from the feedback I received last week, the parents really appreciate the information given and discussions had. Please do not forget to record your interview discussion (in bullet points or even attached your notes) via a record of contact in OneSchool. It is so important that as a whole, we keep track of these discussions on students as it paints a developmental picture (academically, socially, emotionally, behaviourally etc) of their time at Oakleigh. What may seem insignificant now, may escalate to something next term…next year…or even in 2 years.
Thanks once again!
Teacher Aide meeting – Tuesday 28 March, 1.40 – 2.10pm in the Library (top level)
Unfortunately, I will not be present for the meeting (as I have to attend the AITSL PD), but Belinda will be there to discuss the permanent hours up for offer, ADO agreements and answer any questions you may have. Karen Ryan will also make a guest appearance and discuss Reading Intervention and also PD opportunities for Term 2 in Literacy (reading and Writing) and Numeracy.
This week’s ‘Twilight Planning’ session – 3.15 – 5.30pm
Next week is our twilight planning session in preparation for Term 2. This extra time (2.5hrs) is make up for our two week Easter holiday! Therefore, as per audit requirements, we will have a sign on sheet for all teaching staff to sign. The actual timing for the session should be 3.15 – 4.15 (our regular staff meeting), then the extra 2.5hrs on top of that, i.e. 3.15 – 6.45pm. But I think it will be fair in saying that you have all worked extra, extra hard in preparing for PT interviews, that we will finish at 5.30pm (reducing it by 1hr15mins).
“It’s like Christmas in March”…. did I hear you say??
Can we all please meet in the Year 6 rooms for a 3.15pm start. We need to discuss a few things
- English committee update and preparations for Term 2 – Heather/Grant
- Digi Tech update – Nicola
- NoTosh update and Hamish Curry’s visit – Brian
- Our next Practitioner Inquiry round – Grant
- Expectations for planning afternoon – Heather
Pokemon and other fads
At the moment there are lots of students bring Pokemon cards to school to play and trade. Whist there are potential problems arising from trading of cards especially when younger year levels are trading with older students, there are also significant benefits from playing in this way.
As a general rule, don’t bring toys to school if they are precious or expensive, unless the student is able to accept that they may be lost or damaged. The school will not be responsible for following this up. Teachers can decide their own rules about what this looks like in the classroom.
What teachers can do is have a discussion with our classes about appropriate use – and what they should do if they feel uneasy about a trade and even what a fair trade may be.
There have been some stories of students knowingly trading ‘fake’ cards to younger unsuspecting students, they should be aware that fakes are about so to be wary of imposters!
Like all fads this one will eventually subside and marbles or elastics will be the new fad of choice. A similar message will be posted in the newsletter this week to ensure there is a consistent message going home to parents. Basically – students shouldn’t bring them in unless they take full responsibility for them and the school will not act as a fair trade ambassador. There are however powerful lessons to be learnt through these experiences.
The school is looking to bring this in over the next term or two. Our school admin team will be doing some training early next term – more updates will be published once a timeline for moving forward has been established.
Digital Learning across P-Year 3
Nicola will share this document with you on Tuesday, await feedback during the week and publish by the holidays.
Tracking of Vocab Improvement – from Heather
For the 2017 TOVI (Tracking of Vocab Improvement) project this year, in Week 1 and 10 of Term 2, teachers will be doing a short vocab test with their students.
So that Sue and Heather can prepare the assessment sheets for you, please advise Heather by Friday 24th March which STRIVE words you are teaching in Term 2 (just 8-10 of them).
Heather has asked that the following people report back with the info:
Prep – Eliz
Year 1 – Dene
Year 2 – Julie
Year 3 – Chris
Year 4 – Shannon
Year 5 – Heath
Year 6 – Cathie
Once this info has been received and assessment sheets prepared, further information will be forthcoming in Week 10 about the administration of the test, which will be a short and quick written vocab test.
Term 2 Staff Meeting Schedule (at this stage…)
Week 1 – Special Guest Hamish Curry, from NoTosh talking about Curriculum Desgin through Inquiry
Week 2 – ANZAC DAY Public Holiday
Week 3 – Writing session (In yr levels, mark and moderate one students work)
Week 4 – Practitioner Inquiry
Week 5 – Writing session (In yr levels, moderate 2 upper, 2 mid, 2 lower diagnostic writing samples)
Week 6 – Practitioner Inquiry
Week 7 – Practitioner Inquiry
Week 8 – Time to complete report cards
Week 9 – Practitioner Inquiry PITCHES (more details to come)
Week 10- Twilight Planning
This link below is to the Department’s Healthy Workplace Survey that the WorkPlace Health and Safety committee (led by Eliz) would like all staff to complete. The data from this survey will be used and analysed by the WH&S committee. It states on the website it should take about 20 mins to complete…. but when Eliz completed it, it didn’t take that long. Thanks for your attention with this.
Happy Easter
Without repeating my main messages from last week’s memo, I really appreciate everyone’s efforts in making our school, such a great school to work and learn in! I wish you all a safe and relaxing Easter holiday and look forward to seeing you back, refreshed and ready for Term 2. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Have a fantastic last week everyone, Grant.